Embark on a woodland adventure with Mini Foresters, the enchanting forest school experience brought to you by ‘Mini Mudders‘ on our dedicated forest school site.

Next session dates: 23rd, 25th & 30th January and 6th, 8th, 12th, 15th, 17th & 27th February

Mini foresters is an all outdoor stay and play inspired by forest school theories.

Sessions are suitable for ages 2-6 and will run come rain or shine, set in a wooded environment with a heated shelter for those colder days.

Your Mini Foresters will explore the natural environment and learn through meaningful hands-on experiences, problem-solving and getting creative!

What to expect

You will meet the session leader in our top carpark by the Mini Foresters sign, then it’s just a short 30 second walk onto our site.

The activities are designed with children in mind, each week we will take inspiration from books. You can expect anything from den building to tool whittling, to bug hunts, to sound safaris, woodland crafting and of course campfires where your foresters will love exploring the woods, collecting sticks and toasting marshmallows.

We have a magical wooded area, perfect for hide and seek, a mud kitchen for all those mud pies and leaf stews, our wooden tipis are the perfect hideaways and the balance logs prove a fun way for the children to gain confidence and a sense of achievement whilst improving their balance and co-ordination.

All staff are qualified group leaders, first aid trained and DBS checked. It’s a stay and play, so the Mini Foresters remain the responsibility of their grownups throughout the sessions.


For more details and to book, visit www.mini-mudders.co.uk/miniforesters