Our Head Gardener points out what to look out for during July

Wildflowers are still in full flower around our Daphne statue and in the Seven Leys wildflower meadow – Common spotted orchids (Dactylorhiza fuchsia) are particularly impressive here, you’ll find them dotted around elsewhere in the arboretum too.

Cornus ‘Norman Hadden’ and other cultivars will still be in flower along with the impressive small white flowers of Cornus macrophylla.

There will also be an abundance of Telekia speciosa (Heartleaf oxeye) – daisy-like yellow flowers on a tall stem – which are a magnet for bees and butterflies. These are mostly found along the path beside the upper stream.

Hydrangeas will slowly be coming into flower along with Hoheria, with slightly scented flowers (along Her Ladyships Walk – the entrance path into the arboretum).

Lime trees will be in flower; whilst the flower is not that spectacular, they do have a strong, sweet scent. A good example is Tilia Japonica in Seven Leys – for a small tree, it’s covered in flowers and insects!

On a final note, I am pleased to add the lower field at Seven Leys, above the wildlife lake, is now open to walk around.  There is a viewing area just by the lake – it’s a very serene place to sit and ponder!